5E Supplement Review: Warlock #7 – Fey Courts

One of the curiosities I’ve recently acquired is Warlock #7 – Fey Courts, a Patreon-funded publication from Kobold Press. This supplement contains four articles and one short adventure in a 28-page half-size booklet; all in black and white, it hearkens back to the early publications of D&D, although this product is far more professionally created than any of those. The articles are set in Midgard, … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: Warlock #7 – Fey Courts

Multiple Hooks, Quests and Consequences

My Greyhawk campaign has continued over the past few months with a slight difference: the players now have two characters each. One new, low-level character and the older, mid-level character (about 8th level). Each session, the players choose which character they wish to use. I have no real problem running a session for differing levels; you just need to be aware of it – and … Continue reading Multiple Hooks, Quests and Consequences

5E Adventure Review: Ooze There?

Ooze There? is the first Adventurers League-legal CCC adventure created in Singapore. Designed by Darryl Ho and Jason Koh, it presents a delve into the sewers for level 1-4 characters, in search of missing people. There may be oozes involved. Scratch that: there are a LOT of oozes for the players to fight. The adventure begins with Gray Oozes, then moves on to present Gelatinous … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Ooze There?

Saturday Dragon Heist at Guf Ballarat

I’ve just been checking the dates, and it looks like the best date for starting Waterdeep: Dragon Heist on Saturdays at Guf Ballarat is Saturday 3rd November 2018. The week before is PAX Australia, so a few of our DMs are away; I don’t want to start it the week before that and enforce a break, and I want to give every chance for the two … Continue reading Saturday Dragon Heist at Guf Ballarat

5E Adventure Review: Altar of the Spider God

If there’s a product that demonstrates several features I very much dislike about adventure formatting, Altar of the Spider God is it. It’s a four-page encounter that can be included in the dungeon of your choice, although Undermountain is a likely candidate. The document neglects to suggest an appropriate level for the encounter. I expect level 2 or 3 characters would find it challenging. The … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Altar of the Spider God

Into the Dungeon – an original D&D game

Last Saturday, I ran a group of players through a dungeon I’d designed, the Keep of Lost Treasures. The name of the adventure pretty much describes the purpose of the game: go into the dungeon, find as much wealth as you could get, then leave. What was unusual about the game is the system: the original Dungeons & Dragons, as described in the three booklets … Continue reading Into the Dungeon – an original D&D game

5E Adventure Review: Attack on Coppercoil

Attack on Coppercoil is an adventure for 1st-4th level characters set in a gnomish settlement that has been attacked by duergar slavers. The adventurers are summoned by a messenger bat to the settlement’s aid. Once they reach it, the adventurers must explore the interior of a massive tree while dealing with the gnomes’ strange contraptions and various duergar slavers. This adventure offers a lot of … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Attack on Coppercoil

5E Adventure Review: Widow’s Peak

Widow’s Peak is an adventure for 5th to 10th level characters set in Ravenloft. The characters are trapped in the domain of Widow’s Peak and must find a way to escape; however, the domain seeks to corrupt the characters, and the population of the town, many of whom have turned to unsavoury practices, are unlikely to be of much help. This is an evocative adventure. … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Widow’s Peak

Adventurers League Season 8 begins at Guf Ballarat

This weekend, we’re running the first adventure of the new season: Once in Waterdeep! (Dragon Heist is coming soon!) There are some interesting surprises in store! This session is best played by new characters, although it supports level 1-4 characters. If you’d like to play D&D for the first time, this is a good one to choose. DDAL08-00 Once in Waterdeep starts 8 pm Saturday … Continue reading Adventurers League Season 8 begins at Guf Ballarat