All Hail the Almighty Splig!

Goblins are fun to role-play. Numerous players have discovered this as they’ve interrogated the goblins in my campaigns. Goblins know that they’re almost at the bottom of the humanoid pecking order (with only kobolds lower), and so they’re used to being bullied. They almost enjoy it. Every so often, one of the goblins decides that turning traitor is a good career move, and so starts … Continue reading All Hail the Almighty Splig!

5E Adventure Review: Gothnog & Swamper’s Unexpected Encounters – Volume One

Unexpected Encounters is a collection of ten encounters (or mini-adventures) for a D&D 5E campaign from Critical Hit Publishing. It feels like it is expensive for a pdf product, at a price of $9.95 for 26 pages. The product is nicely formatted and has a large number of full-colour illustrations. The encounters are written by Alex Guillotte and Rob Davis, and illustrated by Alex Guillotte. … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Gothnog & Swamper’s Unexpected Encounters – Volume One

Urban Sprawl – Our final game at Guf Sturt St

I have occasionally had to call games early because it was closing time; however, never had I had to call a game because the shop was not going to be there on the morrow! Scott, Mikey, Brad and I played a game of Urban Sprawl at Guf Sturt St in Ballarat yesterday. It’s been my place of choice for gaming for the past few years. … Continue reading Urban Sprawl – Our final game at Guf Sturt St

5E House Rules: Converting the Shifter prestige class

One of the most-loved features of 3rd edition D&D was its introduction of Prestige Classes. The concept has been toyed with back in the very early days of original D&D: having a class that could be entered only by fulfilling prerequisites in other classes first; the original Bard worked like that and, later, the Thief-Acrobat. In 2E, the major new mechanic for customising classes was … Continue reading 5E House Rules: Converting the Shifter prestige class

Princes of the Apocalypse, session 10

The Stoneheart Monastery. The Sumber Hills. 11th Kythorn. 591 DR. Once again, the adventurers entered the monastery; this time with Krovis pre-emptively charging at the door on his newly acquired paladin’s mount and smashing it down. The minotaurs and monk behind the door were quite surprised by this and fell after a short combat, although – once again – Krovis was hurt rather severely by … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, session 10

Princes of the Apocalypse, session 9

The Stoneheart Monastery. The Sumber Hills. 10th Kythorn. 591 DR. With the lady abbot now dead, the adventurers expected a simpler entrance to the monastery. Not a bit of it! This time, three minotaurs awaited them in the entrance chamber, and the resulting combat was fierce and dangerous. Minotaurs can hit very hard indeed, and the group – Krovis in particular – was reminded of … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, session 9

5E Adventure Review: The Siege of Ebonfall

The debut adventure of Scott Carter Games, The Siege of Ebonfall, shows a lot of ambition and talent. The adventure concerns a small village on the edge of a swamp, Ebonfall, which comes under attack from a horde of humanoids. The adventure presumes the player characters are there to defend it, which – as motivations go – works just fine for me. Adventurers travelling to … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Siege of Ebonfall

Conquest of Paradise session report

I own a lot of board games. Many of them are published by GMT Games (about one-sixth of my collection). Most of the unplayed games I own are also from GMT Games. This isn’t really that surprising when you consider that they primarily publish wargames, which tend to require quite a bit more time an effort than what it takes to play the latest Eurogame. … Continue reading Conquest of Paradise session report

5E Adventure Review: The Holy MacGuffin

The Holy MacGuffin is the first in a series of short adventures by Matt Evans of Mithgarthr Entertainment. It’s a very short adventure – two pages of content, with two additional pages used for the cover and legal information. The name of the series is “Drop-In Dungeons”, and that’s basically what the adventure is: a short background, a dungeon map, and six encounter areas. The … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Holy MacGuffin