Princes of the Apocalypse, session 10

The Stoneheart Monastery. The Sumber Hills. 11th Kythorn. 591 DR. Once again, the adventurers entered the monastery; this time with Krovis pre-emptively charging at the door on his newly acquired paladin’s mount and smashing it down. The minotaurs and monk behind the door were quite surprised by this and fell after a short combat, although – once again – Krovis was hurt rather severely by … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, session 10

Princes of the Apocalypse, session 9

The Stoneheart Monastery. The Sumber Hills. 10th Kythorn. 591 DR. With the lady abbot now dead, the adventurers expected a simpler entrance to the monastery. Not a bit of it! This time, three minotaurs awaited them in the entrance chamber, and the resulting combat was fierce and dangerous. Minotaurs can hit very hard indeed, and the group – Krovis in particular – was reminded of … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, session 9

5E Adventure Review: The Siege of Ebonfall

The debut adventure of Scott Carter Games, The Siege of Ebonfall, shows a lot of ambition and talent. The adventure concerns a small village on the edge of a swamp, Ebonfall, which comes under attack from a horde of humanoids. The adventure presumes the player characters are there to defend it, which – as motivations go – works just fine for me. Adventurers travelling to … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Siege of Ebonfall

Conquest of Paradise session report

I own a lot of board games. Many of them are published by GMT Games (about one-sixth of my collection). Most of the unplayed games I own are also from GMT Games. This isn’t really that surprising when you consider that they primarily publish wargames, which tend to require quite a bit more time an effort than what it takes to play the latest Eurogame. … Continue reading Conquest of Paradise session report

5E Adventure Review: The Holy MacGuffin

The Holy MacGuffin is the first in a series of short adventures by Matt Evans of Mithgarthr Entertainment. It’s a very short adventure – two pages of content, with two additional pages used for the cover and legal information. The name of the series is “Drop-In Dungeons”, and that’s basically what the adventure is: a short background, a dungeon map, and six encounter areas. The … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Holy MacGuffin

5E Adventure Review: Conclave of Evil

Conclave of Evil is an adventure by Frank Schmidt in his Adventures in Filbar series. It is designed for a party of 4th-6th level adventurers and is presented in a 15-page pdf. The adventure sets the party against a gathering of evil humanoids in the Mystic Wood, who are seeking to form a coalition against the kingdoms of the south. These kingdoms might have been … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Conclave of Evil

More on the D&D release schedule: Seeking the Middle Ground

I’m very sympathetic to the people who want more D&D releases. I own a lot of D&D books, and I’ve gained great pleasure from them, especially some of the odder releases such as Weapons of Legacy and Magic of Incarnum. I gain great delight from seeing the interesting places the game can go. However, this is tempered by my experiences in seeing how broken the … Continue reading More on the D&D release schedule: Seeking the Middle Ground

On the slow release schedule of Dungeons & Dragons

There’s been a lot of discussion recently on a series of tweets by Mike Mearls on challenges as a publisher of producing Dungeons & Dragons. My own experiences with 5E are unusual mainly because I was responsible for converting the Book of Lost Spells by Necromancer Games into 5E (in addition to all the games I’ve been running). So, speaking as a developer… It’s hard … Continue reading On the slow release schedule of Dungeons & Dragons

Book Review: Night of the Hunter (Companions Codex 1)

Goodreads lists Night of the Hunter as the 25th book of the Legend of Drizzt, and it draws heavily on events of past books. This makes it a challenging book to read if you’re not familiar with the series. A reader entering the series with the 24th book, The Companions, had a good introduction to the characters, with a very accessible book, as I mentioned … Continue reading Book Review: Night of the Hunter (Companions Codex 1)